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Forum Home > Banned? > Ban appeal for nuancedigitalllc
Ban appeal for nuancedigitalllc
Sep 25, 2012 6:05 AM
Non-member Joined: Sep 25, 2012
Posts: 2
I have been playing multiplayer fps games for about 2 months now. I purchased Crysis 1 before, so I've played a little single player, but 2 months is all for multiplayer. I'm 40 years old, why wouldn't I have played before? You see, I had an hand accident with a tablesaw which affected all of my fingers on my left hand. My index and middle were hanging by 1/8th inch of skin, my ring finger somehow had two cuts through the bone, tendons and nerves, the thumb had no cartilage left and the tendons and nerve were cut there as well. The least affected was the pinky who's top tendons were cut, but everything else on the pinky was in-tact. After 4 surgeries and lots of therapy, I am left with a thumb that won't fully straighten (they used pins to allow the bone to fuze where the cartilage was, no index finger at all (just a nub), a middle finger whose middle joint won't straighten (close to 90 degree bend), a ring finger that's crooked and won't bend at the last joint, and a perfectly working pinky. It looked like an explosive went off in my hand. Yay!

Now this happened quite a long time back, so I've learned how to perform most tasks just fine. I can even type, but have to correct a lot. Playing fps games has logically been quite a challenge to pick up, but I got a G13 gamepad and replaced the forward, back and search buttons on the mouse with keystrokes for grenade, switch weapons, and melee. I've looked for every possible controller and found a way to make the game playable. When I first started on multiplayer I was getting destroyed by these guys. My kill death ratios in a typical game were like 2 kills 12 deaths (my current kdr is getting better, but is still .82 to 1 as of now in my service record. Now, with the gamepad and mouse custom configured, I can finally fight most games where between kills and assists, I can equal out with my deaths. I am trying to at least be good enough to enjoy the game and not drag down the team score. To give you an idea what a challenge this has been, it took me 5 to 6 weeks to level up to 50 playing around 10 to 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, and I did it with the Scar, Scarab and MK60. The day after I leveled up, after considering it for a while I finally bought the Max Edition to get the FY71 hoping it would better my odds a little. Nobody plays the DLC levels that come with it, so I bought it for this gun. Most times, I even out, but now I'll get one or two matches a day where I'll dominate, but the highest I have EVER gotten in one was 15 kills, something like 4 assists and 5 deaths.

In the two weeks I've been using it, I've been called an FY71 Noob and seen a few complaints roll by, but always by the best players in the game, the kind that are getting 30+ kills and 5 or 6 deaths. They are complaining of course only when I get a kill on them, but still kill me 70 percent of the time. Come on, nobody likes dieing/respawning in this game, especially with the spawn system so broken but I get kicked/banned for using the FY71. The sniper/red dot combo, the feline, the Jackal and sometimes even the MK60 seem more powerful, so I don't understand this big issue some are having.

So tonight/this morning, at around 1:AM to 2:AM, I'm playing Skyline, and as I usually do, I stick to the hallways. I don't have to worry about crouching snipers and the action is a little slower paced with plenty of chances to get kills along the way. Apparently, an enemy player by the name of k2mil wanted to dominate the hall and once killed by me was motivated to keep coming back to try again. I killed him probably 4 times in a row, which I've never been able to do (even with the FY71), he finally killed me, then I killed him back, he killed me 2 more times, then the last battle with him I killed him again. After this last kill, he immediately started a votekick me, but the match ended before anyone could vote, so as soon as the next match started, he tried again. I asked why I was getting kicked and he didn't respond, but wolfmanwomb (my teamate for the match in question), who's complained a couple times before told me to stop using the FY71 and I could stay, but before I could type a word in my defence, the votekicks added up and I was gone. I figured I'd rejoin, crouch somewhere and try to explain why I use the weapon, but I was banned as well. Seriously? I've broken no rules, whatsoever. I've never used the L-Tag. Not even once! I've never been accused of cheating, and never even had a single votekick against me till today. I'm not good enough for people to think I'm cheating. I like the FY71, because sometimes it seems a shade faster than the scar and it comes with both red dot sights and a silencer and has very little recoil. It is the only thing I have a chance against the Feline, forget the shotgun though.

Sorry for the long letter. I don't expect special treatment due to my disability. It would be nice to be left alone about the gun, but I know that's not likely to happen. I would like my ban lifted, so I can play and hopefully not fall victim to someones fit of rage in the future. Funny thing is, both of them left the game right after (I checked the server info). I'm not mad at anyone. I've gotten so pissed in this struggle to get better that I've punched my keyboard a couple of times and slammed my mouse down. I also hate non-classic servers, since its impossible to use the suit quickly enough in multi-player, so I'm limited to 2 populated servers with those qualities and low pings, so with a ban on one of them, I'm down to a crash site classic one. By the way, if you'd like, I can email pics of my hand on request as well as a screen grab of my k/d ratio. I don't have a fraps recording. I'm new to this, so I've never been interested in installing it. Thanks for your time and consideration.

nuancedigitalllc - Scott
Last edited by: nuancedigitalllc Sep 25, 2012 6:36 AM
Sep 26, 2012 3:09 AM
Non-member Joined: Sep 25, 2012
Posts: 2
I don't understand this. I truly thought this was a misunderstanding, but now I am banned from both NAMC servers? Why?! Because of a silly gun? Where is this, or any rule for that matter posted aside from the obvious text in the loading screen for each match? Maybe if people knew them, they could adjust their playing style, but if they're not shown to patrons, how are we to know besides L-Tags and Scars + Lasers what else are against the rules? Did I piss off the wrong admin and player, so he's lashing out in a fit of rage? Who are these admins? It seems like these rules are made up as you go. I couldn't find any list of rules through google using the site name plus the word rules, or your broken web search engine (I couldn't even find the word "ban" with it). Should I stand still and let them kill me now? That's using server admin status to hack, if that's really what this is about. Get rid of the players that challenge you and you're always king of the hill. What fun is that? You know full well your servers are the main game in town for the USA, now that this game's popularity is diminishing and there are barely any players online, so this is how you treat it?

Nobody announcing themselves as an admin took the time to explain what this is about, and nobody has replied to me here. Just another ban. There was this one guy by the id of "widzimis", that actually talked to me about it a little. He was the only person that approached me directly, or nicely about it. He asked if I wanted some advice, I said sure, since he's always wiping the floor with me, and he said FY71 was frowned upon. By who? Only a couple of people have been complaining about it. I'm beginning to suspect that he might have been admin after looking at a couple of ban appeals here. One of them mentioned that someone with DDD in front of their names was an admin. I thought that was just a clan. He never told me he was an admin of the game server, nor that its against any rules.

Anyway, look. I'm an honest and reasonable guy. I was detailed and straightforward in my appeal. I'm not a brown noser, so don't expect that from me. If that's what is expected then I guess I'll lose this plea. Please explain what I can use on your servers, and of course I'll comply. I don't see that big of a difference at all using this gun, but if its that huge of an issue, what choice do I have? But, reviewing the current situation, and how unjust it seems, how am I to know if I get good enough to beat them at their own game with pre-approved guns, that there won't be some other mysterious reason to ban me. Thanks for your time, and I hope someone will finally help me make sense of this.
Dec 29, 2012 10:17 PM
Non-member Joined: Aug 11, 2011
Posts: 2
ddd is a punk bitch server !!! dont play there if your good, i got banned becuase i kicked there asses, they cant play for shit !!! but they can cry like little bitches !!!
fuck you ddd-geronimo you punk ass bitch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is why only noobs play here, because your an ass hole!
Last edited by: gluejunky Dec 29, 2012 10:29 PM