nbtc971 • PM |
Sep 27, 2010 2:28 AM
![]() Posts: 15 |
Ok so I just came here to say my peace and then I'm done.
So I was just on your conquest server and someone was asking about our clan, S4B (edited). One of the guys in our clan, Kostya, said something about how we're good guys and he should check it out. So I said something to the effect of, yeah we are, but we shouldn't be recruiting on another clans server. Then the guy that was asking about S4B said a bunch more stuff about it but I just ignored it. Instead I just sent him the url to our website so he could just read about it there. I wanted to play and NOT be recruiting. I was essentially trying to tell our guy, not to be doing it. Well shortly after I was kicked for 'Recruiting'. Tried to go back to say I wasn't, but was kicked again before I could completely connect. Anyway, just wanted to say I wasn't recruiting and I was trying to subtly tell our guy not to be recruiting and for my trouble got booted. It's your server so do what you want, but I had to get that off my chest. Have a good one and best of luck.
Last edited by: geronimo Sep 27, 2010 3:52 AM
harps • PM |
Sep 27, 2010 3:12 AM
DDD Harps
![]() Posts: 231 |
in case you happen to look again, i think your mistake was putting up the url. into the bargain any good clan community would be making an effort to populate their servers not others. just maybe yor clan is not as good as you were telling the other guy............;-)
Last edited by: geronimo Sep 27, 2010 3:33 AM
geronimo • PM |
Sep 27, 2010 3:32 AM
![]() Posts: 845 |
Hi Doug,
Here's a copy of the chat logs. Everything was fine, and thank you for saying you're not going to recruit on another clan's server. But you screwed up by posting your url. That shows your lack of respect for other clan's servers. BTW, you weren't the only S4B member banned. Both of you were, and for what? Ask yourself, who else would just go into a clan's server only to ask about joining or forming a clan? Maybe a 12 year old? As a clan leader, maybe you should dedicate more time to populating your servers. I'm sure you'll have better success recruiting members there. [02:13:48] ixAp0c > clan members. [02:14:07] ixAp0c > I'm interested in joining or forming one [02:14:23] ixAp0c > lots of BC2 clans [02:15:08] Kostya82 > join S4B we are friendly and cool cats ![]() [02:15:15] ixAp0c > i was about to ask if its lvl 50 only [02:15:16] ixAp0c > lol [02:15:20] ixAp0c > got xfire? [02:15:24] Kostya82 > no its not [02:15:31] -o]T3[o > we use steam mostly.. [02:15:39] ixAp0c > i dont like steam [02:15:40] -o]T3[o > but i'm not going to recruit on another clans server. [02:15:45] -o]T3[o > and neither is kostya. :/ [02:15:46] ixAp0c > not recruiting [02:15:47] Kostya82 > any level is welcome as long as your respectful and active [02:15:52] ixAp0c > i asked you guys, [02:16:03] -o]T3[o > ok.. s4b.clanservers.com [02:16:09] ixAp0c > kk [02:16:21] ixAp0c > and for the record its tecnically not recruiting until they add the tags [02:16:39] ixAp0c > I used to bend around admins by asking for peoples xfires instead [02:16:44] ixAp0c > in call of duy... [02:16:54] ixAp0c > duty* ![]()
Last edited by: geronimo Sep 27, 2010 3:57 AM
nbtc971 • PM |
Sep 27, 2010 4:33 AM
![]() Posts: 15 |
Our BC2 servers aren't where I would like them to be no doubt about it. But every night I'm able to play on a full TKC server and for now, that will have to be good enough. I do not recruit on other clans servers. Posting the URL was a mistake and I own it. I was trying to get my guy to shut up and stop what he was doing. It was wrong, but for the right reasons.
Despite the fact that in one post you questioned my clans worth and questioned my ability to lead in another, I have made a donation on behalf of my mistake from TKC to your clan. It's not a lot, but I hope it in some way makes up for what happened. Thanks, T3
Last edited by: nbtc971 Sep 27, 2010 5:16 AM
harps • PM |
Sep 27, 2010 5:42 AM
DDD Harps
![]() Posts: 231 |
Hi Doug
I accept what you were saying and we are grateful for the donation you made as an apology. As a clan leader you know the fatal mistake was the url even if it meant it in the right way. Unfortunately I would not tolerate it either and would have taken the same action as Geronimo and banned you. However you have aplologised and made the donation as restitution and that was very gratefully received. hwever as Geronimo banned you it is up to him to unban. If he does I would welcome you back, but as I said before it maybe better to play on your servers to maintain their population as it does not encourage when you are on other servers. If however there are any more mentions of your clan on our server by any of your members I would get a blnket ban put ito place for all members wearing your tags as I am sure it would not go down well if someone did the same on your server. I am sure you appreciate the hard work and dedication that our members have put into this serv er to make it one of the top servers around. |
geronimo • PM |
Sep 27, 2010 6:00 AM
![]() Posts: 845 |
Thank you for understanding. I will unban you from our server but hope you understand why I can't unban your friend. If he wants to send me a PM I will consider it.
If you want, I will be glad to delete this entire thread. Your call. ![]() |
nbtc971 • PM |
Sep 27, 2010 6:29 AM
![]() Posts: 15 |
I didn't do this to get unbanned, I did it to make up for the mistake. I just punched in a Conquest server and found yours had people in it and joined. Again, I'm not paying you to unban me but to do what I can to make it right. Unban is appreciated of course as I don't think I've ever been banned from any server, on any game I've ever played, but feel free to leave the ban on if you like, I don't mind a bit.
As for the suggestion that I play on our servers, I think if you saw the hundreds of hours played on our servers you wouldn't say that. As I said before, I wanted to play Conquest. We no longer have a Conquest server therefore when I feel like that game mode, I go elsewhere. I can honestly say that I never left TKC servers, not for a single minute, until I reached level 50. Here are the days and hours I have put into 3 of our 5 servers just this month: RUSH 1d 01:09 SQDM #1 1d 18:47 SQDM #2 0d 05:01 That's over 72 hours just for Sept. Yeah, I play that much on our servers. I don't care if you delete the thread, but by gosh if you can delete those retarded extra posts that would be great. It's 5:30AM, I need sleep. See ya. |
joeylopez • PM |
Sep 27, 2010 10:58 AM
![]() Posts: 63 |