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Forum Home > [C|AK] CS:GO Official Server Issues > I'm Average At CS Admin Cavera ban appeal monster4fun csgo(I've Recorded My Own Demo while playing)
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I'm Average At CS Admin Cavera ban appeal monster4fun csgo(I've Recorded My Own Demo while playing)
Sep 05, 2015 10:07 PM
In game name : I'm Average At CS
Steam : STEAM_1:0:274114386

Ok So I have been banned from the MoNsTeR 4FUN #3 CSGO server and the reason said "Banned as i'm noob".I guess the admin thinks that I am hacking but I never used hacks and never will which is why I've recorded my own demo while playing so that I can prove that I don't hack and will provide a link. Please review my ban status and reply as soon as you can as this is one of the servers I enjoy playing on.
Recorded Demo link

Also when watching my demo please be sure to play it on a slow speed when I get my kills.

Sep 09, 2015 8:02 PM
[C|AK]|[CaVeRa] Founder - Joined: Mar 22, 2012
Posts: 196
I unban you, I'll trust you, but the next time use programs like fraps, action! or PlayClaw, when you record a demo at CS, you will always need the cs files to watch, this does not prove anything, eg you can change the models of the standard weapons, but when you watch another cs, you do not see.

sorry for my English

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