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Kicked for low ping?!
Oct 19, 2015 1:49 PM
Non-member Joined: Jul 31, 2007
Posts: 3
Just found your server, I was kicked from CAKTEAM.COM | MoNsTeR 4FUN #3 [CA-EAST] on CS:GO. I was kicked for low ping!? Is that not a good thing? I was in the 60s your max low is 75. Maybe you guys have a reason for that. Please explain or is that an error? I really enjoyed your server, I can't find a good monster casual server. I would really like to be a regular. Thanks!
Oct 20, 2015 10:09 PM
[C|AK]|[SeVeRa] Founder - Joined: Apr 02, 2012
Posts: 191
senoritacelinda wrote:
Just found your server, I was kicked from CAKTEAM.COM | MoNsTeR 4FUN #3 [CA-EAST] on CS:GO. I was kicked for low ping!? Is that not a good thing? I was in the 60s your max low is 75. Maybe you guys have a reason for that. Please explain or is that an error? I really enjoyed your server, I can't find a good monster casual server. I would really like to be a regular. Thanks!

Hi senoritacelinda,
There is no error, what happen is: we are a Brazilian group and we made a server dedicated to brazilian players, because the host is in Canada our the ping is high so if we let low ping playing there we don't get a chance that is why we decide that low ping less that 75 is not alowed to play there...
Sorry for that, hoop you understand... good day to you.

Oct 21, 2015 9:51 AM
Non-member Joined: Jul 31, 2007
Posts: 3
thanks, that makes sense. It is your server, no hard feelings. I am able to play your test server. If you don't want me on, just kick me. I will keep a look out for other servers to play with CSGO. You have a cool server, keep it up. Thank you for your time.
Oct 22, 2015 9:04 AM
[C|AK]|[SeVeRa] Founder - Joined: Apr 02, 2012
Posts: 191
senoritacelinda wrote:
thanks, that makes sense. It is your server, no hard feelings. I am able to play your test server. If you don't want me on, just kick me. I will keep a look out for other servers to play with CSGO. You have a cool server, keep it up. Thank you for your time.

Hi senoritacelinda
If you are able to play in our test server, you are more than welcome to play there, at this moment i don't have nothing against that
In our servers e just ask 100% respect and no cheating...
Enjoy your game.

Oct 22, 2015 2:19 PM
Non-member Joined: Jul 31, 2007
Posts: 3
Thank you, I will gladly play on your test server. Thanks!
