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Forum Home > KILLING FLOOR > Ultimate graphic mod v2 (Bring KF2 graphic to KF1)
Ultimate graphic mod v2 (Bring KF2 graphic to KF1)
Aug 31, 2014 11:44 AM
Non-member Joined: Jun 26, 2014
Posts: 17
-This 7z package included ENBSeries mod for black mesa, modded D3D9 DLLs + D3D10 improve render speed DLLs



Wrong scan, don't worry about virus

This mod work on all KF version
v1 link:

-Features in v2:
-(New) improve DX 8 and 9 render code for low computers
-(New) force KF using Unreal engine 2.5 from UT2004
-(New) Improved FPS for low computer (see the system requirement, if your computer is too low don't install this)
-(New) Load map speed improved (load 10MB map in 3s with HDD)
-(New) Moving grass, water reflection, glass reflection
-(New) Moving water and touching water (need maps mapping in UE 2.0 or higher, can download some cool maps on Here)
-(improved)2x rendering speed on video card using dx10 or higher
-(improved)highly modified graphic, bring graphic from KF2 to KF1
-Support on all version
-Support Full HD without graphic glitch
-Physx engine unlocked without using Nvidia card
-SSAO, SSIL, DOF enable via ENBSeries(enable and disable with Shift + F12)

system requirement:
Windows Vista or newer (Windows XP can run this but slower)
Intel HD graphic 2000 with 512 MB or higher
Intel B950 or newer
Ram 2GB or higher(Using Intel HD graphic will share 1GB as VRam so you have 1GB to play the game with this mod)

put this to Killing Floor Folder\system

how to using this mod for low computer:
Find the directX in the setting, change from DX9 to DX (DX8)
put setting to very low

alpha v2 pictures:

Final v2 pictures:
running with intel HD 2000 max settings DX9 Avg FPS 15-31

Last edited by: max20091 Sep 02, 2014 3:48 AM
Aug 31, 2014 11:13 PM
Non-member Joined: Jun 26, 2014
Posts: 17
Closed Account
Oct 17, 2014 1:20 PM
I can play with that mod on all servers?