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Forum Home > [C|AK]|[TeaM] > [EN] Rules of our server
[EN] Rules of our server
Aug 25, 2013 10:44 AM
[C|AK]|[SeVeRa] Founder - Joined: Apr 02, 2012
Posts: 191
All clan members and visitors should observe the following rules of conduct on the Server:

a) Duty of loyalty, honesty and respect for clan members and other players;
b) It is extremely prohibited discrimination or racism;
c) Is not allowed cursing, disrespect and use of anti game, cheats and intentional bugs;
d) It is not allowed in chat other languages other than Portuguese, Spanish or English;
e) Distribution of money between players and selling weapons for the purpose of leveling the GameTracker is not allowed;
f) Is not admitted discussions and disagreements between players;
g) Do not respond to personal attacks with other attacks;
h) Is not allowed to make flood, disclosure of other games, servers or websites;
i) Prove accusations using SS (ScreenShots), if you don't know, ask;
j) Accept reprehension with humility;
k) Listen before you speak and think twice before acting. xD

The members of the clan must also follow these rules:

- Will not be admitted discussions and disagreements among members;
- You must use the tag [C|AK] on servers or games that the clan has and participates;
- All members shall connect the TS (TeamSpeak);
- It is forbidden, under any circumstances, give or disclose the password used for use ADMIN subject to expulsion;
- ADMIN has the duty of enforcing the rules of the clan, drawing attention and sanction players when necessary;
- The absence of activity in the group for a long time without communication, will be punished with expulsion.
Last edited by: cavera_pro Dec 12, 2014 9:58 AM