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Forum Home > General Discussion > [EN]What The hell ?
[EN]What The hell ?
Jul 08, 2013 3:21 PM
Non-member Joined: Jan 04, 2013
Posts: 17
Why u banned me without giving a reason? Why??????? I was playing normally, I wasn't even near someone or chatting with anyone, and BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BANNED !!!!?!?!?!?!?!
Jul 08, 2013 4:01 PM
[C|AK]|[SeVeRa] Founder - Joined: Apr 02, 2012
Posts: 191
therealzombozo wrote:
Why u banned me without giving a reason? Why??????? I was playing normally, I wasn't even near someone or chatting with anyone, and BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BANNED !!!!?!?!?!?!?!

Hi Zombozo,

Here you are again, banned and this time for a full week.
Do you really want me to tell you why?
You closed the doors leaving other players outside to die and start saying that they are noobs they must die.
Yesterday one of the adm gave you a kick just because he can't ban so when i got the message about what you have done i gave you the ban.
One more time i remember you that in this server you must have respect.
No respect = kick, or ban it depends of how many times you have done or what words you used.
See you next week.
Jul 08, 2013 4:24 PM
Non-member Joined: Jan 04, 2013
Posts: 17
I didnt weld the door to make others die and say " die niubs " no.
I was welding because I was scared because I heared the fleshpound and I was keeping it welded.
I didn't know they were behind it!!!
If you say " habla habla habla la la la puerta hilio puta pendeho " I dont understand ._.
And that guy with girl skin ( hahahahhah ) Insulted me and my mother nany times, and I asked others to tell me what " hilio de puta " means and they told me " son of a bitch " and I have screens too !
I hope you will unban me because that's really unfair, an admin asked to make a kick vote against me if they think I did something wrong and only that kid did.
Now they all may not like me because I dont wear a fucking pony skin and I like the classic KF gameplay, but to ban me for something so hilarius, and no screens, and no proof, just because they habla habla and they're from brazil you trust them more that me. Well LOL !!!!
It's very unfair!!!!!!
VERY !!!
I hope I will get unbanned.