innocent94 • PM |
Jan 18, 2016 7:59 PM
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Also when a player dies he/she can respawn in between a wave after few secs, limit the no. of deaths to 3-5 in a wave and also the time for the respawn to 30-60 secs. Also weapon stay mut, if a person dies his weapons should stay and not disappear so that he can rejoin and take them and money stay mut bcz normally money disappears aftr few secs and also weapons stay after nxt wave begins bcz normally it disappears after wave start. Also if possible we can pass through players in between wave this is a big problem i face currently playing, players intentionally block others to let them die -_-, just like players can pass through each other in between trader time.
Sentry bots, medic bots, turrets, fire turrets, riot shield, adrenaline (to give more hp), extra armor kit, ammo supply box, mini ammo trader too (in this players cant buy new weapons but can refill ammo and grenades), c4 is the bst. Also some changes to shrek like extremely high hp more powerful and giving him like 30-45 secs to keep shooting machine gun and also to shoot like 50+ rockets in 1 go, thats why i mentioned previously to give player respawn so any player dead can enter and try to kill the boss. Also currently i see whenever a player joins in the server normally people join directly so when their map is loading/downloading their character is already in game and zeds kill them before they even enter, so i would suggest all players entering the game should automatically enter as spectator i've seen this in other servers. Currently these come to mind rest ill post it later.... to be continued ![]() |
sniper203 • PM |
Jan 19, 2016 12:14 AM
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Hola, me gustaria que pusieran a este especimen el PesudoGigant. una criatura del juego S.T.A.L.K.E.R . tiene la capacidad de cegar a los jugadores al estar cerca . es fuerte y resistente. Es un reto para los medicos para poder curar a todos ya que esta criatura seria una pesadilla para los demolitions, porque es capaz de dar un pisoton y por su onda expansiva es capaz de inabilitarlas o detonarlas. es una idea. saludos .
kyoshirohpvn • PM |
Jan 19, 2016 7:25 AM
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A server has many mission maps ( hive 2, 3, re, Obsidian.... and many fp,sc like ago, it is things that i want
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morweentbx1 • PM |
Jan 19, 2016 11:23 AM
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Monsters/zeds could be added to get the server better:
Shiver Brute TITAN Hulk Infected soldiers All event zeds The Sick The Bastard The Fatale The Hellfire Female Fleshpound Maul Renegade Ghoul Dread Links: [Renegade Link: ( ) ] Ghoul (linK: Dread (link: The Sick,The Bastard,The Fatale,The Hellfire, shiver ,brute,all event zeds can be found in steam workshop/creatures Titan hulk( titan hulk alpha v0.4 ( Maul: hard to obtain but is a scrake with 2 chainsaws, fast and with the christmas skin event Also. please, PLASE DONT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AS BERSERKER IN ANIHILATION!, every perk has diferences between the other in killing floor (1 and 2). In the server the perks are good, BUT, the berserker is really pathetic, is a berkerker with no bloat resistance and every clot can grab you?, it's like a demo with a little melee damage only... another cool thing to add is: A radar, why?. it's simple, in killing floor 1 there is the problem always with the "last zed/specimen", it takes too long to die or even appear, with a radar could be more easy. Gunslinger perk and SLOT MACHINE mutator are cool.
Last edited by: morweentbx1 Jan 19, 2016 11:36 AM
innocent94 • PM |
Jan 20, 2016 9:26 AM
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add something like this: you can see that there r different game modes with different difficulty levels which includes normal maps and story maps and objective maps. and also some thing like this: when we press tab not only we can see how many kills a player did but also how many assists he has and how many deaths he has. |
sebdsgn • PM |
Jan 20, 2016 2:59 PM
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Hola sería buena idea incluir a Leon S. Kennedy, de Resident Evil en la web encontré el link de descarga y hablan de un código, lo pondré tal cual lo encontré espero sirva de ayuda, gracias
La imagen de Leon S. Kennedy en KF: Link de descarga :!3dgFBJiY!KGp4MnT7aWgCjvqshrdtYG6uURpv1Q-FZAW2ejKs4kQ Código: CustomCharacters=LeonR4 |
cordume • PM |
Jan 20, 2016 3:39 PM
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Hi bad people, Oi galerinha do mal
Lista de desejos KF para o Papai/Mamãe CAK Lembro de alguns mapas (não sei o nome), aeroporto?, castelo medieval?, em que os jogadores rodavam o mapa (estilo L4D), eu gostava de --as vezes-- fazer esses mapas, deixo como sugestão. Lógico que com trinta jogadores ou mais não sei se é viável. Como arma (tbm não lembro o nome), gostaria que voltasse o tiro fantasma?. Pelo menos ao morrer e ter de esperar 600 Zeds serem "Maxacr3_dos", a minha (nossa), faceta insuportável pode incomodar alguns Zeds. : ) ![]() |
totoliv • PM |
Jan 21, 2016 12:58 AM
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yo solo quiero que pongan de nuevo los classic server ahorita estoy en lo sencillo se les agredeceria
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blodyn • PM |
Jun 21, 2016 12:34 PM
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A mi me encantaría que volvieran vagari y lo sotros 2 sub jefes como era antes, tarda vamos aveces bastante en matar a vagari , pero era divertido
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