What is the Bunker Gaming Community?
The community is a sizable group of individuals from all over the world who share a common interest in playing Enemy Territory. The name Bunker is used as a reference the servers on which the game is hosted as well as to refer to the community of players on those servers. There are recognized members of the community who can be identified by the bunker tag, |>B<|, which proceeds their name. (ie: |>B<|Belzebub)
The Bunker servers are open servers which invite guests to come and play with members of the community. Guests who play frequently on the Bunker servers and who consistently enhance the environment with their skill and sportsmanship eventually get invited to become a member of the community. There is no way to *apply* to become a member and
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asking for membership is highly frowned upon.
[copied from our Wiki Page]
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