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Forum Home > General Discussion > NOS Clan is posting halo CD hash keys
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NOS Clan is posting halo CD hash keys
Feb 19, 2012 12:55 AM
NOS clan are sore losers, I cant count all the times we have kicked their asses, I guess they hate playing us cause they suck and we rock, LOL.
I recently went to a friends house and was playing on NOS's server, I obeyed all their rules and I did NOT even use the Map MODS, of course I went in under an assumed name.
Of course as usual I was kicking NOS's asses and yes you guessed it the pussies banned me because I was winning, I did that just as an experiment.
What a bunch of noobie wanks lol.
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Mar 03, 2012 10:46 AM
Hybrid sent me an email, I think they removed bk's hashkey, it wasn't NOS that posted the hashkey but still they allowed it to remain there for some time.
I find it amusing that hybrid thinks NOS is a better clan than YAS after all the ass kickings they took from us on NCCLAN server LOL.
NOS will never get better untill they start playing the better clans like YAS.
here is my email to hybrid and his response to me LOL.
----- Original Message -----
From: NOS Clan
Sent: 02/28/12 07:12 PM
Subject: RE: Posted Halo CD Hashkey in your forum.

Greetings Maddog,

I'd like to formally apologize for you of being in a drama clan that will never go anywhere. As is accustomed coming from your team of misfits, you have A.) mis-interpreted our information posted on our Official site, B.) Think we discredit YAS, and C.) Threaten our Team with juvenile remarks. We have read what you have posted, and would like to clarify a few things so you have your facts straight. Regardless, we already know you do not care, as we do not either, just merely setting the facts you mis-interpreted straight.

NOS clan is posting hash keys on their freeforums site, so far they have only posted bk's hashkey but that is bullshit that it's even posted in a public forum.
you can visit the page yourself at:
NOS is a dirty Clan that will go to any lengths to discredit YAS.
NOS clan are sore losers, I cant count all the times we have kicked their asses, I guess they hate playing us cause they suck and we rock, LOL.
anyway I am totally pissed off about the posting of anyones hash key.

After review of what you have said, we with {NOS} do not care what you and -YAS- do. Most clans, including ourselves have all agreed to never play unorganized, weak clans and sadly YAS is one of them. Never have and never will. We are not the one's who posted BK's hash key on our forums, a guy named "Orb" did who is not affiliated with {NOS} what-so-ever. If you ask me, you should look into him as apparently he has posted BK's hash to every other clan due to BK's previous shenanigans and notions of running his and your clan down to the ground. We had nothing to do with you or your clan. As far as calling our Clan a dirty clan that will go to any lengths to discredit YAS, as I have mentioned, we could care less what you guys do. We regulate our servers for a friendly gaming experience for all - and those who are trouble makers or break our server rules are banned. So if you are caught by an admin abusing your privilege to play in our servers, you will get banned, simple as that. And as far as calling us sore losers, you are sadly mistaken as we play to have fun and could care less if others beat us. I have yet to see any YAS players beat us even when you guys were not banned. The reason why you were banned is because of cheats, perhaps not you but most of your teammates as we have an anti-bot feature running on our servers and have since day one (So we are not in control of who gets banned from our servers when using cheats) the server does this for us automatically, mod blocking, and trash talking/abusive language to not only us, but other clans and the general public who plays in our servers which is why you guys are more than likely banned on several other servers as well. And seemed that you guys always complained when you lost, so in fact, to me it sounds like you guys are the sore losers. Anyway, we want to thank you for bringing it to our attention of having that hash code posted in a public forum as it has been taken care of. We understand your complaint, but as a rule of thumb, we do not take threats kindly and no one cares if hash codes are posted anyways, unless for the reason of players who aimbot, trash talk, etc. Our hash codes have been posted to the general public for awhile now so we could care less what you try doing as we have made a well known reputation of our clan unlike you and YAS have. Perhaps, if you and your team want to get back on the right track, you should create your own team and leave BK behind as he is the one who created but destroyed YAS. No other clan that we have spoken too has done that to you guys.

Anyway, learn to respect others as you will receive it in return, best of luck and halo wishes,

{NOS} Clan

Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2012 23:47:49 -0500
Subject: Posted Halo CD Hashkey in your forum.

Not cool having bk's CD hash key posted in a public forum like that, please remove it promptly.
If you don't remove it I will post your hash keys all over the internet.



