HiszY Teams & Clans site is officially opened |
hey hi there well after more than three years of the HiszY project I think that is time to move into a new level, as commented after so many time the truth is that what started just as a simple small server for casual fun has evolved and grew very much into really become much more than just "a couple of game servers". actually the HiszY Servers are visited by lot of players every day of the year and obviously with the time many of them have established relationships and/or also teamed up on different teams and/or clans building a real players base wich really enrich HiszY but at the same it also make any kind of organization a bit dificult so in oder to help in that is why this HiszY Teams & Clans site has been created. obviously such thing it was and it's outside the original design/scope of the original HiszY Site, the original HiszY site is mainly dedicated to their services and also to their players team, so basically the purporse of this site is to promote and help in the interaction between the different players, teams and clans that frequent HiszY. in oder adquire this, several sub forums noting any well know team/clan as well as other catefories will be created with the intention to serve as a list of the HiszY player, teams and clans base but also as a way to facilite the easy interaction between them. keep in mind that even if each team/clan will have it's "own" sub forum this site it's not intended to provide any specific team/clan service and it's also important to note that once again although this site is dedicated to teams and clans even as the tittle points it remains being a HiszY site. finally, initially, by now, I just added the most well know teams and clans I found just by looking the most popular players, if by now your team/clan is not listed you can just start on the "other" category and also you're wellcome to open a thread or contact me if you want your team/clan added. and by the way in case some one wonders the sub category order is by alphabetical order by now. ok, nothing more, enjoy and have fun best regards http://www.gametracker.com/clan/HiszY-TaC/
Posted by adminless
Dec 06, 2011 10:28 AM