Council Member - Joined: Aug 16, 2009
Posts: 35
This topic will be kept up to date : here topic locked, for suggesting maps and discuss about > Suggestion topic
Here is the actual set of maps you need, in order to play at(6k+) Heavens High Server with the standard map rotation :
2 download options provided :
_ Mappack containing the maps needed.
_ Maps list + link for each map.
Download the 6k+ Quality Mappack (55 maps) :
Contains all the maps you need in order to play at 6K+ server with the actual rotation settings. All maps are quality and from the best quake 3 maps ever made. Enjoy.
_ Install notes : Extract the mappack directly into quake 3/baseq3 ( you maps folder) Other download places : -LINK 1- -LINK 2-
Or take the maps one by one :
IMPORTANT : Tho , we provide maps list + links, we recommand that you take the 6k+ Mappack, containing all maps in the list below. ( NO NEED to download the maps below if you have taken the 6k+ mappack already )
Maps OFF Mappack and rotation + Submitted maps :
These maps are freely playable on callvoting or ref
You can ask for adding in server the maps you'd like to play. Go to the Suggestion Topic
1st check that you have installed it correctly into baseq3 folder. 2nd restart game 3rd maybe you haven't installed the right map
: go on or google for nameofmap.pk3 4th still not working ? delete the map from your baseq3 folder, set cl_allowdownload 1 in your cfg or from ingame console, and dl it from the serv.