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Forum Home > General Discussion > 39th Battalion Recuritment
39th Battalion Recuritment
Jan 10, 2019 2:17 PM
thraxjor Admin - Joined: Jul 21, 2009
Posts: 1
The 39th Battalion is an ARMA 3 Simulation Clan.

Established in early 2013, the 39th Battalion Arma Clan fosters the memory of Australian Infantry soldiers who famously defended against the advance of the Japanese Imperial Army over the Stanley Ranges of Papua New Guinea during World War 2.

In observance of their sacrifice, the 39th Battalion Arma Clan pursues all available Arma 3 and community wide resources, in concurrence with historical and modern military procedures in order to model ourselves on the proud men and women who serve in Australia’s Defence Forces.

We implement realistic tactics, techniques, and procedures for our members, but we do not ask our members to do things like address other members by any title or salute in-game like some other full milsim clans.

Our Operations
39BN runs a storyline driven campaign once a week, these are our main mission nights which are every sunday night starting from 2000 AEST.

Our campaign 8 weeks and expect to see something new from our mission making team each week.

We mostly play as infantry, but from time to time, we will have combined arms elements as support.

Every Friday night is our beer and bullets night, we either play Escape From missions or a custom mission one of our members has created, these nights are designed to have a very laid back atmosphere.

What we are looking for

Must be over 18 although exceptions can be made .
Must be respectful of others, as we are a group of all ages.
Emotional maturity, no drama we all play video games and enjoy them!
Weekly attendance for Sunday Operations as they are mandatory.

What to expect

FNGs (Fairly New Guys) are required to attend a minimum of 4 sunday missions over an 8 week period to be accepted into the clan.
As a member of the clan, you are required to maintain a minimum 50% attendance rate for Sunday Operations, if you are unable to do so, you will be retired from the group.
Fill out the Sunday Attendance signup sheet on your attendance which is either No, Yes or Late, this provides the mission maker the info needed on how to design the mission.


Required to own ARMA 3 (base game only)
Required to use Teamspeak 3.
Required to having a working & clear microphone.
Required to have Discord, as this is our primary communications tool to keep players informed of upcoming events in the group.
Required to use Arma3Sync to access our mods.

39BN uses RHS, ACRE 2, ACE3, Project Uncut and an assortment of other mods packed into our own modset, which isn’t available on the steam workshop. all the mods are available via our own Arma3Sync repository.

From time to time, we will use a total conversion mod that is fitting to Australian operations like a vietnam campaign using the Unsung Mod or WW2 pacific.

We do not require you to own any ARMA 3 DLCs to play our Sunday Operation missions although missions on other nights may require them.

How to Join
You can fill out your application
here then join our Discord server.

For More Information
Visit our Website.
Visit Youtube Channel.
Visit Wiki.